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Документ A frequency determination method for automotive nanosensors(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Gurko, A. G.; Sergiyenko, O. Yu.; Гурко, Олександр Геннадійович; Сергієнко, Олег ЮрійовичThe growing popularity of nanosensors in various automotive applications requires new methods for counting the frequency of electrical signals, into which the measured non-electrical parameters are converted. This need is because automobile nanosensors are to register very small changes in the measured parameters that, besides, can change very fast. The paper proposes for use in automotive nanosensors a frequency calculation method based on the principle of rational approximation, which meets the above requirements.Документ A new cost-effective type of off-street city public transport as a solution to the problem of traffic jams in a large metropolis of Kazakhstan, the city of Almaty(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2023) Rakhimbaiev, A. B.; Kabasheva, M. R.; Kalgulova, R. Zh.; Rukavyshnikov, Yu.; Рахімбаєв, А. Б.; Кабашева, М. Р.; Калгулова, Р. Ж.; Рукавишников, Ю. В.The world today is characterized by a new stage in the development of the scientific and technological revolution, associated with the search for alternative and renewable energy sources, one of which is green energy. In this vein, there is a search for alternative off-street modes of transport which do not use hydrocarbon raw materials. This article discusses the need to use the passenger cable car (PCC) as a full-fledged public transport in the largest metropolis of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the city of Almaty with a population of 2 million people. In 2030 perspective, the number of city residents is expected to increase to 2.5-3.0 million. The city itself is located in the mountain basin of the Trans-Ili Alatau Tien Shan and has exhausted its territorial expansion opportunities in its central part. The personal transport fleet amounted to 700 thousand cars in 2022, of which 230 thousand were the cars from the suburbs [1]. The road network is overloaded with hours-long traffic jams during rush hours, public transport being clearly unable to cope with its functions of delivering passengers. These trends are typical for most megacities around the world. Therefore, new, more efficient solutions have become necessary, and transport network specialists remembered the old aerial cable cars (ACC).Документ A review of the automated guided vehicle systems: dispatching systems and navigation concept(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2023) Bourafa, Rami; Siegfried, Patrick; Арафа, Рамі; Зігфрід, ПатрікProblem. As one of the three key elements of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), automated guided vehicles (AGVs) play a significant role in material handling systems. They've been around for more than a decade, primarily in Europe. AGVs were formerly utilized mostly in production lines, but due to recent industrial development, they now play a vital role in a variety of different applications and domains, including warehouses, port facilities, transportation systems, and even the medical sector. Goal. The purpose of the work is to analyze two methods of AGV control and the paths that the AGV should follow during transport operations, taking into account safety and limitations for heavy loads that need to be transported in difficult conditions. Methodology. We attempted to provide a summary of the two existing AGV control methods, centralized and decentralized control offered by major manufacturers in this study. Almost all function in a centralized manner, with a single central controller controlling the whole fleet of AGVs. The author sees a tendency toward decentralized systems in which AGVs make individual decisions in favor of transportation flexibility, robustness, and adaptability. A brief explanation of well-known and mature navigation technologies used by AGVs in the industry is also provided, along with both physical and virtual paths to be followed by the AGV during transportation operations, since these technologies get to be a key issue given the safety constraints, particularly for heavy loads to be transported in challenging environments. Results. This paper covers one of the key tasks that must be completed in order to control an AGV system for a central and decentral architecture, for which we have already given a broad overview, as well as the differences between the architectures and their benefits and drawbacks. Originality. The author sees that the merging of various techniques we have will lead to more and new challenges as well as innovations, however, that practical application of distributed control still requires further research and studies and has a way to go in terms of taking other sections such as safety and sustainability into account. Practical value. The primary benefits and drawbacks of various technologies are discussed, as well as how we might improve the efficiency of some of them.Документ A STOCHASTIC APPROACH TO EVALUATE THE RELIABILITY OF URBAN PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION SERVICES(Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет, 2017) Kopytkov, D.; Копытков, Д. М.; Копитков, Д. М.An approach to estimate the reliability of urban passenger transport from the passengers' viewpoint has been presented, in which the parameter to be investigated is the fixed-route headway. The probability of passenger arrival to the destination point has been suggested as an indicator of the service reliability. The given approach makes it possible to evaluate the reliability of both single modes of the urban mass transit and the transportation system reliability as a whole.Документ The acquisition of intercultural competence in language courses(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2019) Samarina, V. V.; Shamrai, O. V.; Самаріна, В. В.; Шамрай, О. В.; Самарина, В. В.; Шамрай, Е. В.This thesis deals with teaching foreign language and the importance to develop intercultural skills and know-how which include the ability to bring one’s own cultural origins and the for-eign culture into relation with each other, together with the ability to understand and empathize with the values and conditions of others. The language learner needs to develop other skills than sociocultural knowledge and have to improve interpersonal relations and develop intercultural awareness.Документ ACTIVE SAFETY IN THE SYSTEM OF MOTOR-TRANSPORT SAFETY(Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет, 2016) Stepanov, A.; Степанов, О. В.; Степанов, А. В.The article considers the impact of active safety on motor-transport safety and on road traffic safety with the purpose of RTA preclusion. The matter of active safety in the system of motor-transport safety is furnished, the main trends in improving traffic safety are determined. While considering the problems of motor transport safety and the problems of improving traffic safety, the need for development of systems that would neutralize any excess control action or even carry out a correction of insufficient control actions of a driver in the «Driver–Vehicle–Road Traffic» system is proven.Документ ACTIVITY-COMPETENCE APPROACH TO EDUCATION OF FUTURE ENGINEERS(Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет, 2016) Ponikarovska, S.; Поникаровская, С. В.; Понікаровська, С. В.The essence of the activity-competence approach to higher education is dealt with, which promotes formation of essential for professional activity qualities, knowledges and skills, helping to fulfil professional duties in the chosen area.Документ Administrative port fee as means of local authorities interest in the development of the port infrastructure(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2014) Kotlubai, Viacheslav; Redina, Yevgeniya; Khaiminova, Iuliia; Котлубай, В. О.; Редіна, Є. В.; Хаймінова, Ю. В.В роботі визначається вплив у фінансовій заінтересованості за рахунок частини коштів, що отримуються морськими портами від портових зборів міської влади у розширенні та оновленні портової інфраструктури. Метою статті є визначення основних напрямків у фінансовій зацікавленості, за рахунок коштів від портових зборів, міської влади у розвитку інфраструктури морських портів. Розглядається декілька варіантів передачі частини коштів, що отримуються портами від портових зборів та навантажувально-розвантажувальних робіт до місцевих бюджетів. Визначено, що найбільш доцільним варіантом є повернення до розподілу адміністративного портового збору на 10 % та 90 % з передачею останньої частини місцевим бюджетам. Закордонна практика показує, що міська влада може слугувати досить великим помічником у пошуку можливих інвесторів, наданні земельних ділянок, вирішенні питань щодо під’їзних шляхів тощо. Тому необхідно запровадження такого фінансового механізму, який би стимулював міську владу надавати максимальну допомогу у розвитку портової інфраструктури. Одним за таких механізмів може слугувати зарахування до місцевого бюджету частини від адміністративного портового збору.Документ ADVANTAGES OF EUROPEAN METHODS OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES FOR UKRAINIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITIES(Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет, 2017) Hrichchina, A.; Гриччина, А. В.; Гріччіна, А. В.The necessity and advantages of European methods of teaching foreign languages in Ukrainian technical universities, in particular the Engage-Study-Activate method (ESA), have been considered in the article. Types of tasks for each of the phases of the class have been analyzed. Examples of tasks for the phase of engagement and activation have been given.Документ Analysing the possibility of using a hydraulic transmission with motor wheels for the nomad at off-roader(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2024) Avrunin, Grygoriy; Podrigalo, Mikhail; Podrigalo, Nadia; Moroz, Irina; Potoroka, Anatoly; Аврунін, Григорій Аврамович; Подригало, Михайло Абович; Подригало, Надiя Михайлівна; Мороз, Ірина Іванівна; Поторока, Анатолій ВладиславовичProblem. The creation of transport vehicles for operation in difficult road conditions requires solving a complex of problems related to the fulfilment of the necessary requirements for speed and traction characteristics, in particular, shifting modes, overcoming climbs, manoeuvrability and increased speed with its stepless change, anti-skid properties. Such requirements are achieved thanks to constructive solutions in transmissions of various types. Goal. The aim is an attempt to create a full-flow continuously variable transmission with hydrostatic transmission and motor-wheels instead of a step-mechanical one to improve the technical characteristics of the all-terrain vehicle and the technological possibilities of manufacturing the transmission by the block method when using standard components. Methodology. Based on the analysis of the technical characteristics of the analogue all-terrain vehicle with a mechanical multi-gear transmission and a review of achievements in modern hydrostatic transmission with hydraulic motor-wheels, static calculations were carried out to assess the possibility of creating a stepless full-flow hydro volume transmission and building its hydraulic schematic diagram. Calculations are based on mathematical models created on the basis of the laws of mechanics and hydraulics. The results. According to the results of the calculations, it has been shown that it is fundamentally possible to create a stepless hydrostatic transmission for an all-terrain vehicle with the specified traction and speed characteristics. Further research is proposed on the analysis of the dynamics of the hydrostatic transmission of the all-terrain vehicle and the creation of a corresponding experimental model of the vehicle. Originality. For the analogue all-terrain vehicle, the hydraulic motor-wheels required for the working volume were selected, which provide the parameters of traction and speed characteristics and allow creating an original transmission without the use of reducers and gearboxes. Practical meaning. The obtained results are planned to be considered as recommended for carrying out a functional and cost analysis in the design and determination of technological possibilities in the manufacture of a hydrostatic transmission of an all-terrain vehicle. It is also proposed to consider the method of calculating the hydrostatic transmission of an all-terrain vehicle in the educational process for master's students of industrial mechanical engineering when studying the disciplines related to the design of hydraulic drives and their tests.Документ Analysis electrodynamic processes in induction inductor system with nonferromagnetic screen with use of magnetic pulse technology(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2014) Barbashova, M.; Shevtsov, V.; Барбашова, М. В.; Шевцов, В. В.The theoretical study of cylindrical induction inductor system and the analysis of the radial density distribution of the induced currents, the Lorentz force, Ampere force and the force due to the magnetic properties of the workpiece in the system studied are presented.Документ Analysis of design features of systems and components of the Tesla Model S electric car(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2022) Smyrnov, Oleh; Borysenko, Anna; Смирнов, Олег Петрович; Борисенко, Анна ОлегівнаProblem. The article analyzes the design features of the systems and components of the Tesla Model S electric car, which allows choosing the initial characteristics for the mathematical model of the acceleration dynamics of the electric car, determines the cost characteristics of its power plant (electric motor) and battery. Goal. The purpose of the work is to determine the initial characteristics of the systems and components of a modern electric vehicle for their further use in a mathematical model of the acceleration dynamics of an electric vehicle. Methodology. The approaches adopted in the work to achieve the set goal include understanding the peculiarities of the initial characteristics of the systems and components of electric vehicles, which are the world leaders in the market of such vehicles. Results. In the work, a comparative analysis of the layout schemes for the implementation of transmissions in the designs of modern electric vehicles, the characteristics of their power plants (electric motors), the characteristics of energy converters (inventories), and the features of the power plant power plant of a modern electric car are determined. Originality. The conducted analysis of the design features of systems and components of the Tesla Model S electric car made it possible to form a general idea about the features of the implementation of work processes in the electric drive of an electric car, which can be used as initial parameters or characteristics during the simulation of the acceleration dynamics of an electric car. Practical value. The obtained results make it possible to formulate recommendations for the use of the characteristics of the systems and components of the electric vehicle during the simulation of the dynamics of its acceleration and to determine the energy consumption in the power system of its traction electric drive.Документ ANALYSIS OF MOTOR-GRADER LOADING ON THE BASIS OF FRACTAL DIMENSION(Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет, 2016) Polyarus, A.; Paschenko, R.; Poliakov, Е.; Lebedinskyi, A.; Полярус, О. В.; Пащенко, Р. Е.; Поляков, Є. О.; Лебединський, А. В.; Полярус, А. В.; Пащенко, Р. Э.; Поляков, Е. А.; Лебединский, А. В.The possibility of fractal dimension application for analysis of grader loading modes is con-sidered in the article. The fractal dimensions of experimental dependences of load on the coupling pin of the grader at its different working conditions are calculated. It is determined that the magnitude of the fractal dimension allows to estimate the highest and lowest load of the grader.Документ ANALYSIS OF NONMAGNETIC METAL INDUCTION HEATING PROCESSES BY FLAT-TYPE CIRCULAR SOLENOIDAL FIELD(Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет, 2016) Batygin, Yu.; Chaplygin, E.; Barbashova, M.; Shinderuk, S.; Gavrilova, T.; Батыгин, Ю. В.; Чаплыгин, Е. А.; Барбашова, М. В.; Шиндерук, С. А.; Гаврилова, Т. В.; Батигін, Ю. В.; Чаплигін, Є. О.; Барбашова, М. В.; Шиндерук, С. О.; Гаврилова, Т. В.The article analyzes the electromagnetic processes in the system of induction heating with estimating the main characteristics of heating the non-magnetic sheet metal. The analytical expressions for numerical estimates of the induced current in terms of the phase of the excitation signal are presented. The dependence for the heating temperature of the considered circular sheet metal area for the time corresponding to the interval phase has been determined.Документ ANALYSIS OF POSSIBILITIES TO PRESENT FORMALLY THE ELEMENTS OF VIRTUAL EDUCATIONAL SPACE(Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет, 2017) Morozova, О.; Морозова, О. І.; Морозова, О. И.For formal representation of virtual educational space elements, the paper considers the topology methods, in particularly the methods for categories and functors theory, allowing for solving semistructured and indeterminate problems and reflecting their results at the high level of abstraction. The conducted analysis shows the virtual educational space as a generalized scheme, including an associative connection of the site of departments and general education schools.Документ ANALYSIS OF STABILITY OF STEEL MEMBERS WITH ACCOUNT OF THE FIXING CONDITIONS AND SUPPORTS STIFFNESS(Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет, 2017) Kondel, V.; Loboda, D.; Кондель, В. М.; Лобода, Д. О.; Лобода, Д. А.The authors have studied the stability of compressed steel structures and parts of machines with account of support conditions. The analysis of experimental and theoretical data of the behaviour of compressed structures and their members is provided. The new approaches to the critical-load design with account of supports stiffness are described.Документ Analysis of structures and application of different types of engines in cars(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2023) Kuzhelnyi, Yaroslav; Venzheha, Volodymyr; Pasov, Hennadiі; Klymenko, Valeriy; Кужельний, Ярослав Володимирович; Венжега, Володимир Іванович; Пасов, Геннадій Володимирович; Клименко, Валерій ІвановичProblem. The publication analyzes the structures and application of various types of engines in a car, which allows to determine the structural aspects, features of placement and operation of engines, their future application prospects. Purpose. The purpose of the work is to analyze the design and operation of engines used in modern cars, to determine their advantages and disadvantages, and the prospects for the development and application of various types of engines. Methodology. The approaches adopted in the work to achieve the set goal consist in the analysis of designs of various types of engines of modern cars, their layout and features of their use. Results. The paper includes a comparative analysis of various types of engines used in modern cars. The peculiarity of the design and structure of internal combustion engines, electric cars and hybrid cars is considered. The scheme of the general configuration of electric vehicles, possible configurations of electric vehicles, layout schemes of hybrid cars are given. The advantages and disadvantages of each type of engine, the main prospects for their development and application are shown. Originality. The conducted analysis of the design features of various types of engines that are installed in modern cars allows us to formulate a general idea about the peculiarities of the operation of cars with the considered types of engines. Practical meaning. The obtained results of the analysis and the given advantages and disadvantages in the use of different types of engines allow us to formulate the main directions in the development of structures and the prospects of their application in different types of cars.Документ Analysis of technological operation – flat sheet metal forming of car body panels(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2014) Trunova, I.; Belan, A.; Bondarenko, D.; Трунова, І. С.; Белан, А. Д.; Бондаренко, Д. О.; Трунова, И. С.; Бондаренко, Д. А.The group operations of magnetic-pulse metal working were considered. The analysis of technological operations carried out according to the scheme flat sheet stamping has been conducted.Документ Analysis of the load-bearing system of the loader according to the results of dynamic tests in the environment of Ansys motion(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2022) Shcherbak, Oleh; Ragulin, Vitaliy; Suminov, Andrii; Щербак, Олег Віталійович; Рагулін, Віталій Миколайович; Сумінов, Андрій ВолодимировичProblem. The T-156B hinge frame of the loader, which is an upgraded frame of an agricultural tractor, creates loads during work operations for which it was not designed. Such loads lead to breakdowns and further shorten the life of the entire machine. The frame is the basic element around which the machine is built. The loader that had just been removed from the conveyor did not have builtin durability and reliability. While designing a road construction machine, an account of the features, nature, and conditions of its operation should be taken. Goal. The goal is to develop a hinge frame design technique that takes into account the loads experienced by the frame with a virtual simulation of real-world situations during the loader process. Methodology. The adopted approach is based on the use of a Solidworks computer program with three-dimensional modeling and an Ansys motion program for calculating the dynamics of multicomponent bodies taking into account the hinge and contact interaction. Results. In the work three cases of technological operations of the loader were considered. 1. Lifting a full bucket. 2. Collision with an obstacle that is difficult to overcome 3. Movement over an uneven surface with the raised loader arm. The results of the calculations provided forces and torques in the hinge of the half-frames, as well as the effort of the frame. Based on the results obtained, the endurance of the frame in the Ansys motion software package was calculated. Originality. The analysis of load-bearing systems with a virtual simulation of the machine’s actual behavior with the help of Ansys motion software allows to obtain more accurate results, significantly reducing the time for the design and cost of field testing. Practical value. This approach to the analysis of the carrier system behavior can be recommended for designing and determining the technological capabilities of wheeled, tracked, and special machines.Документ Analysis of the mechanism of side impact of cars(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2023) Shapovalenko, V.; Шаповаленко, Владислав ОлексійовичGlobally, car crashes are the major cause of death, killing 1.2 million people, and despite improvements in car safety, forecasts indicate that car crash deaths will increase significantly by 2030 due to the increase in the number of cars. Such a trend requires an increase in passive safety in the design of cars. It is also necessary to consider with these factors the most popular segments of SUV cars, which during an accident create more dangerous consequences in the event of a side impact, taking into account the mass and dimensions parameters. Goal. The aim is to conduct an analysis of the side collision mechanism of cars of different mass and dimensional parameters. Taking into account the trends in the sale of cars, identifying the most popular classes of cars in Ukraine both on the new car market and on the second-hand market, to further identify problems in testing cars according to various certification protocols. Methodology. The approaches to solving the tasks used in the work are based on the use of statistical data and comparative analysis of various methodologies and certification protocols. Results. Considering that scientific studies of frontal impact are presented by the scientific community in the broadest form, the study of the side impact of two cars is currently a relevant direction, taking into account the global trend towards the production of cars in the SUV segment, which exceed passenger cars in terms of mass and dimensions. In a road accident with a side impact of a passenger car and an off-road vehicle of the SUV segment, we will get a large difference in the height of the primary impact, which is 250 millimeters. That is, all the energy of the impact to the side of the passenger car falls not on the safety bar, but 250 millimeters higher, which will nevitably lead to fatal injuries to the driver and passenger. Unfortunately, the European NCAP and the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration use moving barriers that are similar in terms of mass and dimensions to an average passenger car. Originality. The obtained results of the analysis of the mechanism of the car side collision make it possible to evaluate the current trend of the automobile market in terms of passive safety and, in particular, to conduct certification tests for side impact in a new way. Practical value. The obtained results can be recommended when studying the structural features of preparing and conducting crash tests.