Jiaqi, Yang2025-01-072025-01-072024-12Jiaqi, Yang. Improving the efficiency of management decision-making based on the diagnosis of production processes : qualification paper of the master : 073 Management / Jiaqi Yang. – Kharkiv : KHNAHU, 2024. – 69 с.https://dspace.khadi.kharkov.ua/handle/123456789/24337The results of testing the recommended methods of diagnosing the management of production processes allowed to reveal the features and shortcomings in the work of the enterprise "SMART-PACK" LLC. An assessment of the potential effect of the implementation of the developed recommendations shows that the proposed approach allows achieving a significant increase in the efficiency of the enterprise. Thus, the recommendations for SMART-PACK LLC can increase productivity by 2,37 times, while the time for equipment changeover will be reduced by 55 %.enmanagementproductionsystematic approachproblem fieldefficiencyproduction processImproving the efficiency of management decision-making based on the diagnosis of production processesMaster's theses