Yan, Huang2025-01-072025-01-072024-12Yan, Huang. Optimization of costs of logistics activities of the enterprise : qualification paper of the master : 073 Management / Yan Huang. – Kharkiv : KHNAHU, 2024. – 90 с.https://dspace.khadi.kharkov.ua/handle/123456789/24339The article defines the essence, structure and classification of logistics costs of enterprise; studies the mechanism of management of logistics costs at a manufacturing enterprise; studies ways to optimize the logistics costs of a manufacturing enterprise; provides an organizational and economic characteristic of enterprise; analyzes the logistics costs of enterprise; studies the system of management of logistics costs at enterprise; defines managerial aspects of optimization of logistics costs at enterprise; substantiates the use of information system for.enriskuncertaintysystemrisk managementrisk management mechanismOptimization of costs of logistics activities of the enterpriseMaster's theses