Chetverikov, G.Fedorova, T.Vechirskaya, I.Четвериков, Г. Г.Федорова, Т. М.Вечірська, І. Д.Вечирская, И. Д.2009Chetverikov, G. Methods of modeling structures of language systems / G. Chetverikov, T. Fedorova, I. Vechirskaya // Автомобильный транспорт : сб. науч. тр. / М-во образования и науки Украины, ХНАДУ ; редкол.: А. Н. Туренко (гл. ред.) и др. – Харьков, 2009. – Вып. 25. – С. 234–237.2219-8342The basic construction concepts of unifying two-digit and multi-valued means of processing symbolic data are considered. The present approach is based upon a single methodological and special purpose principle by applying the proposed methods of the intelligence theory for mathematical input/output data and their intermediate transformations by an appropriate AFPstructure of the third grade.enFORMAL MODELS OF LANGUAGE SYSTEMSФОРМАЛЬНІ МОДЕЛІ МОВНИХ СИСТЕМФОРМАЛЬНЫЕ МОДЕЛИ ЯЗЫКОВЫХ СИСТЕМArticle519.7:007.52; 519.711.3