Wu, Xueying2025-01-072025-01-072024-12Wu, Xueying. Improving human resource management of the enterprise : qualification paper of the master : 073 Management / Wu Xueying. – Kharkiv : KHNAHU, 2024. – 106 с.https://dspace.khadi.kharkov.ua/handle/123456789/24334The relevance of the problem is due to the expediency of applying such approaches that will increase the involvement of employees in management, will allow to optimally organize labor processes; increase labor productivity. The paper analyzes the approaches to defining the concept of «human resource management»; proposes a model of «lean» human resource management; develops a balanced scorecard for assessing the effectiveness of human resource management; develops a methodology for analyzing the effectiveness of human resource management; develops an optimization model for resource allocation to improve employee performance; develops a methodology for assessing the impact of labor organization on the effectiveness of human resource management.enmanagementhuman resourcessystemlean productionbalanced scorecardmechanismImproving human resource management of the enterpriseMaster's theses