Stepanov, A.Степанов, О. В.Степанов, А. В.2015-11-302015-11-302015Stepanov, A. Problems of safety of motor vehicles / A. Stepanov // Автомобильный транспорт : сб. науч. тр. / М-во образования и науки Украины, ХНАДУ ; [редкол.: Туренко А. Н. (гл. ред.) и др.]. – Харьков, 2015. – Вып. 37. – С. 85–89.2219-8342 article deals with the up-to-date problem of motor vehicles safety. The author concludes that traffic safety in the transport system depends on the type and, accordingly, the measures taken in vehicles to protect objects from unauthorized access and, as a consequence, from the possibility of accident or disaster occurrence, while the safety of vehicles on a traffic route is determined by external natural impacts.ensafety of movementvehicletransport systemбезпека рухутранспортний засібтранспортні системибезопасность движениятранспортное средствотранспортные системыPROBLEMS OF SAFETY OF MOTOR VEHICLESПРОБЛЕМИ БЕЗПЕКИ АВТОМОБІЛІВПРОБЛЕМЫ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ АВТОМОБИЛЕЙArticle656.13