Features of adaptive brake control of the secondary brake system of a multi-axle vehicle

dc.contributor.authorBogomolov, V. O.
dc.contributor.authorKlimenko, V. I.
dc.contributor.authorLeontiev, D. M.
dc.contributor.authorKuripka, O. V.
dc.contributor.authorFrolov, A. A.
dc.contributor.authorDon, E. Yu.
dc.contributor.authorБогомолов, В. О.
dc.contributor.authorКлименко, В. І.
dc.contributor.authorЛеонтьєв, Д. М.
dc.contributor.authorКуріпка, О. В.
dc.contributor.authorФролов, А. А.
dc.contributor.authorДон, Є. Ю.
dc.description.abstractProblem. Malfunction of the service braking system of a wheeled vehicle (WV) significantly affects road safety, especially when operating multi-axle vehicles with big masses. One of the ways to increase the level of road safety of multi-axle vehicles, when braking using a spare (emergency) braking system, is the introduction of automated adaptive braking systems into the design of the brake drive of vehicles. The definition of the limits of using the adaptive braking system on vehicles with many axles is almost not disclosed in the scientific and technical literature, therefore, the issue of using such a system on vehicles with a large number of axles requires additional research. Purpose. The purpose of this work is to develop a simulation model for adaptive control of the braking process of a multi-axle vehicle using a spare (emergency) braking system, taking into account the simulation of the dynamics of the drive and the variability of the adhesion properties between the tire of the vehicle wheel and the road surface. Methodology. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop a simulation model of the brake drive in an adaptive mode, implement a model of the interaction of the tire with the road surface, and implement a model of the braking dynamics of a multi-axle vehicle in the event of a malfunction of its service brake system. Originality. The proposed key criterion (Kr) for changing the throttle section in electro-pneumatic pressure modulators, which provide adaptive air inlet or outlet from the corresponding brake chambers of the drive, during simulation, made it possible to simulate the operation of the drive circuits in the adaptive mode. It has been established that, depending on the potential for the realization of the adhesion between the tires of automobile wheels and the road surface, the pressure in the electro-pneumatic brake drive with its adaptive regulation can be increased by no more than 0.04 MPa.uk_UK
dc.identifier.citationFeatures of adaptive brake control of the secondary brake system of a multi-axle vehicle / V. O. Bogomolov, V. I. Klimenko, D. M. Leontiev, O. V. Kuripka, A. A. Frolov, E. Yu. Don// Автомобiльний транспорт : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освiти i науки України, ХНАДУ ; редкол.: А. В. Гнатов (гол. ред.) та iн. - Харкiв, 2021. - Вип. 48. - С. 27-37.uk_UK
dc.publisherХарківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університетuk_UK
dc.subjectbrake controluk_UK
dc.subjectmulti-axle vehicleuk_UK
dc.subjectadaptive controluk_UK
dc.subjectsecondary brake systemuk_UK
dc.subjectemergency brakinguk_UK
dc.subjectadhesion utilized by axleuk_UK
dc.subjectкерування гальмамиuk_UK
dc.subjectбагатовісний транспортний засібuk_UK
dc.subjectадаптивне керуванняuk_UK
dc.subjectзапасна (аварійна) гальмівна системаuk_UK
dc.subjectекстрене гальмуванняuk_UK
dc.subjectреалізоване зчепленняuk_UK
dc.titleFeatures of adaptive brake control of the secondary brake system of a multi-axle vehicleuk_UK
dc.title.alternativeОсобливості адаптивного управління гальмом запасної гальмової системи багатовісного автомобіляuk_UK


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