Peculiarities of English-teaching practice for students of electrical engineering
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Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет
As engineering is a vast area of study in the world and English is a recognized
language of international communication, knowledge of English is compulsory. Besides, we live in the
digital age and English is the only language in latest version applications, installation guides and
software instructions. Learning for students of engineering from not English-speaking countries is
very important not only for their scholastic life, but also for their prospective career, mobility and
successful communication. Goal. The goal of the work is to determine the features of teaching English
to the students of electrical engineering, specify the role of English language for engineering students,
outline the technique and methods of organizing the teaching process, look into innovative
technologies of teaching. Methodology. The methodology is based on the analysis of the existing
methods of teaching which are many, comparison of classical and innovative methods and analysis of
the strategies of different methods. The paper emphasizes creative approach in teaching as a key to
success. Results. The work provides a brief theoretical grounding and a working definition for
creativity and motivation in teaching English for Specific Purposes and English as a Foreign
language. It also explores the role and function of creativity in the context of the changing paradigm
regarding the overall scope of the educational system in general and of the language learning in
particular. Originality. The work offers combining creative methods and active strategies in fostering
better language acquisition during English classes. When we see that the students are involved and
motivated, it means that the strategy works. The teacher-oriented method is not currently welcomed in
language teaching, and the ways to make it student-oriented are offered in the work. Practical value.
The paper contains some practical advice on how a teacher can create more situations in which
students can contribute, initiate, control and create. Keeping in mind the dependence of the learning
success on creativity of teachers and motivation of students, new innovative methods of teaching in
proper combination with theory of language can be used.
Бібліографічний опис
Ponikarovska, S. Peculiarities of English-teaching practice for students of electrical engineering / S. Ponikarovska // Автомобіль і електроніка. Сучасні технології : зб. наук. пр. [Електронний ресурс] / М-во освiти i науки України, ХНАДУ. - Харкiв, 2021. - Вип. 20.