Refined assessment of tire rolling resistance in the starting mode

dc.contributor.authorKarpenko, Volodymyr
dc.contributor.authorNeskreba, Eduard
dc.contributor.authorКарпенко, Володимир Олександрович
dc.contributor.authorНескреба, Едуард Євгенійович
dc.description.abstractRolling resistance is one of the most important operational characteristics of a car tire. First of all, the fuel consumption, durability and service life of the tire depend on the rolling resistance. Of course, the higher the rolling resistance, the faster and more intensively the tire will wear out. Also, car braking parameters, such as deceleration and, accordingly, the braking distance, may indirectly depend on the rolling resistance characteristics. In turn, rolling resistance is influenced by the properties of the tire itself, as well as the condition of the road surface and weather conditions. It is especially important to evaluate the operational characteristics of a car tire in the starting period of movement, because at this time the behaviour of the tire is unpredictable. Goal. The purpose of this work is to improve the methodology for evaluating the rolling resistance of a car tire in the starting period of movement. Knowing how the rolling resistance changes during the starting movement, it is possible to evaluate the operational properties of the car. Methodology. Refined assessment is carried out with the help of dependencies obtained in previous scientific works. But in order for the result of the rolling resistance assessment to be correct, it is necessary to determine the necessary characteristics of the tire. Namely, we are talking about the characteristics of radial stiffness. In the work, these characteristics are determined both by conducting experimental studies and by using FEM. Results. Thanks to the conducted research, significant results were obtained on the change in rolling resistance during the starting motion. It was established that with an increase in internal pressure from 0.17 MPa to 0.225 MPa, as a result of the starting motion, the rolling resistance decreases by approximately 20-25%. Originality. From the analysis of the literature, it can be concluded that in most of the studied works, the peculiarities of the interaction of automobile tires with the supporting surface in the starting period are not taken into account during various studies. It can be said that the originality of this work, on the one hand, is that the rolling resistance is investigated during the starting motion, and on the other hand, that its assessment is carried out both on the basis of the results of experimental studies and with the help of FEM. Practical value. In this work, it is possible to highlight the obtained results, thanks to which we can estimate the rolling resistance of a car tire with sufficient accuracy. The methods of determining the operational characteristics of a car tire, presented in the work, can be used during its operation and at the design stage.uk_UK
dc.identifier.citationKarpenko, V. Refined assessment of tire rolling resistance in the starting mode / V. Karpenko, Е. Neskreba // Автомобiльний транспорт : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освiти i науки України, ХНАДУ ; редкол.: А. В. Гнатов (гол. ред.) та iн. – Харкiв, 2022. –  Вип. 51. – С. 5–13.uk_UK
dc.publisherХарківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університетuk_UK
dc.subjectautomobile tireuk_UK
dc.subjectstarting perioduk_UK
dc.subjectrolling resistanceuk_UK
dc.subjectexperimental researchuk_UK
dc.subjectfinite element methoduk_UK
dc.subjectrefined assessmentuk_UK
dc.subjectавтомобільна шинаuk_UK
dc.subjectстартовий періодuk_UK
dc.subjectопір коченнюuk_UK
dc.subjectекспериментальні дослідженняuk_UK
dc.subjectметод скінченних елементівuk_UK
dc.subjectуточнена оцінкаuk_UK
dc.titleRefined assessment of tire rolling resistance in the starting modeuk_UK
dc.title.alternativeУточнена оцінка опору коченню автомобільної шини в стартовий період рухуuk_UK


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