Parametric synthesis of car suspension
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Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет
Problem. When driving a vehicle with comfortable suspension settings, there is a high probability that such adjustments may, firstly, cause discomfort to the driver and passengers, and secondly, when cornering, there is a high probability that the vehicle will overturn. A stiffer suspension leads to discomfort when driving on bumps. To choose the optimal parameters of the car's suspension, it is necessary to take into account the various parameters of the car's suspension, its settings and the features of the road surface. Goal. The goal is solving the problem of choosing the values of the varied parameters of the car suspension – the coefficients of stiffness of the elastic elements and the average values of the damping coefficients of the shock absorbers, which provide a comfortable state of the driver and passengers while driving. Methodology. The approaches adopted in the work to solve the problems are based on the algorithmic method of parametric synthesis of dynamic systems. Results. The maximum values of generalized coordinates, speeds and accelerations of the sprung part of the car body were obtained, as well as the minimum values of functionalities; with the help of ratios, it is possible to estimate the values of weights of additive functionality based on MathCAD software package. With the help of the algorithmic method of solving the problem of parametric synthesis of a dynamic system it is possible to automate it. Analysis of the process with the specified coefficients allows to detect high efficiency of damping of vertical oscillations of the under-sprung part of the car body. The amplitude of the linear displacement of the center of the body mass does not exceed 0.02 m, and the amplitude of the generalized velocity of the centre of mass of the housing sprung part does not exceed 0.08 m/s-1. Originality. The obtained parameters allow to minimize the time for selection of average values when designing the vehicle suspension. Practical value. The results can be recommended when studying the design features of vehicle suspensions. Thanks to the optimization of the MATLAB software package, modeling with different suspension parameters is possible.
Ключові слова
suspension design, car suspension, smoothness, dynamic system, проектування підвіски, підвіска автомобіля, плавність руху, динамічна система
Бібліографічний опис
Alexandrov, E. Parametric synthesis of car suspension / Alexandrov E., Shapovalenko V., Baidala V. // Автомобiльний транспорт : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освiти i науки України, ХНАДУ ; редкол.: А. В. Гнатов (гол. ред.) та iн. - Харкiв, 2022. - Вип. 50. - С. 14-20.