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  • Документ
    (Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021)
  • Документ
    Developing a methodology for assessing the risk of hostile takeover of a motor transport enterprise and measures to prevent it
    (Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Nesterenko, V. Yu.; Chevychelova, O. O.; Нестеренко, В. Ю.; Чевичелова, О. О.
    Problem. Mergers and acquisitions are traditional processes of redistribution of property rights in a market economy. Mergers are often used by companies to gain control over larger market segments and increase performance efficiency. The acquisition process is not always desirable for the target company and is often used to establish control over its assets. Thus, the problems of assessing the risk of hostile takeover of the enterprise and its prevention are extremely rele-vant at the current stage, especially in the transport sector of Ukraine. Goal. The goal of the work is to develop the methodology for assessing the risk of hostile takeover of a motor transport enterprise and suggest methods for preventing its occurrence. Methodology. During the study, the following research methods have been used: analysis and synthesis, logical analy-sis. Information resources of the study are electronic information resources and periodic publi-cations. Results. The risk of hostile takeover of an enterprise is the probability that the enter-prise will become the takeover target through the legal actions and methods taken by the ac-quirer, but the acquisition procedure itself is against the wishes of the target’s board. The list of factors that determine the attractiveness of the potential acquisition target includes: the attrac-tiveness of the enterprise in terms of its financial results and performance, the enterprise is not public, it occupies a considerable market segment, the enterprise operates as a joint-stock com-pany, it is attractive in terms of further resale of its assets, the prospects of the industry in which the enterprise operates. According to the results of the studies assessing the risk level of hostile takeover of the group of motor transport enterprises, it has been revealed that 45% of enterpris-es are in the medium risk group. The following list of measures aimed at defending motor transport enterprises against hostile takeovers has been developed: the formation of optimal share capital structure; share consolidation when the majority shareholder holds the controlling interest; carrying out a sound dividend policy, the continuous monitoring of amounts and ma-turity dates of accounts payable, preventing the risk of arousing the counterparties’ interest in the resale of debt obligations of the enterprise to others. Originality. The methodology for as-sessing the risk of hostile takeover of a motor transport enterprise and reasonable measures to prevent its occurrence have been proposed. Practical value. The proposed recommendations can be used by the owners and management of motor transport enterprises to build an effective system for preventing potential hostile takeovers.
  • Документ
    Technical and economic calculation of a solar-powered charging station for electric vehicles
    (Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Hnatov, A.; Arhun, Shch.; Hnatova, H.; Sokhin, P.; Гнатов, А. В.; Аргун, Щ. В.; Гнатова, Г. А.; Сохін, П. А.
    Development and implementation of green technologies is both an urgent and a cost-effective scientific and engineering task. Therefore, the issues related to the study of renewable energy sources, which are used as the main sources of energy for electric vehicles, are quite relevant and promising. At the same time, an equally important question is how profitable is building solar charging stations in terms of both ecology and economy. Goal. The aim is calculation and analysis of technical and economic indicators of a solar charging station for electric vehicles (EV). Methodology. The analytical methods of studying the development and application of the ways and devices to transform the energy of the sun into electricity are used, as well as the methods of experimental research and mathematical methods of processing and modulation of the received results; methods of calculating technical and economic indicators. Results. The review of the literature on the development of renewable energy sources, in particular, solar power plants, and the spread of electric vehicles with the gradual displacement (replacement) of traditional cars working on internal combustion engines with electric vehicles (BEV and PHEV) was made. The main parameters and technical characteristics of the solar-powered charging station (SPCS) were studied. For the analysis and calculation of technical and economic indicators of SPCS for EV it is offered to take a SPP with a capacity of 20 kW as a basis. The calculation of SPCS electricity generation both for own consumption and for power supply of EV and the sale of surplus electricity to the general network at the “green tariff” was carried out. Originality. The technical and economic calculation of SCS was made taking into account the rise of electricity prices in Kharkiv region (Ukraine). Practical value. According to the analysis of the obtained results, it can be said that the payback period of SPCS for EV is about 7.9 years. If we consider the constant increase in the cost of electricity (approximately 15% per year), we can expect the payback after 6.8 years of operation.
  • Документ
    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the production and sales of cars in the world
    (Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Shevchenko, I. Y.; Dmytriiev, I. A.; Dmytriieva, O. I.; Шевченко, І. Ю.; Дмитрієв, І. А.; Дмитрієва, О. І.
    Problem. The global automotive industry has already had an experience of recovery from the global financial crisis of 2008, but the pandemic crisis of 2020 is quite different in nature and pattern of progress: in recent history it has had no analogues and it will be premature to state its completion. Therefore, it is important to determine the impact of the pandemic on the production and sale of cars in order to overcome the negative consequences. To address this issue, the article identifies the sensitivity of this subsector of mechanical engineering to destructive changes in the environment; an analysis of changes in the volume of production and sales of cars by countries of the world over the past period has been made. Goal. The aim of the work is to determine the destructive consequences and trends of the COVID-19 pandemic impact on the global automotive industry, namely the production and sale of cars. Methodology. To determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, a vertical and horizontal analysis of car production and sales in the world has been conducted. Results. The results of the analysis allowed the authors to group the countries of the world by the destructive effects of the pandemic crisis of 2020 for the automotive industry. Originality. The carried out classification of countries by the destructive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity to gain insight into its impact on the automotive industry, in particular on the production and sale of cars. Practical value. The obtained results can be recommended to identify further ways to overcome the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the automotive industry.
  • Документ
    The inertial loads of a telescopic boom of a truck crane
    (Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Volianiuk, V. О.; Gorbatyuk, Ie. V.; Mishchuk, D. О.; Волянюк, В. О.; Горбатюк, Є. В.; Міщук, Д. О.
    Problem. The analysis of existing research and publications in which the main problem is highlighted, namely, that many factors are not taken into account when calculating the inertial loads of the car crane arrows. Accounting for these factors will allow you to more accurately determine the inertial loads of the boom of the car crane, to carry out strength-hunches of the elements of the boom and the selection of components of its drive mechanisms. Goal. The purpose of the work is to determine the inertial navan-loads acting on the load and arrow of the automobile-side crane during the unstable movement of its. Methodology. To calculate the inertial loads, the technique of determining the total inertial loads of the car crane boom during joint operations in accordance with the Safety Regulations has been developed. Total inertial loads were determined for the following cases: joint lifting (lowering) of cargo and arrows; lifting the load and turning the boom; lifting and turning the arrow. Results. The resulting dependencies for determining the inertial loads of the rotary boom of the car crane will allow more accurately taking into account multiple factors to calculate the values of these loads in order to conduct strong calculations of the boom, the selection of its components mechanisms. Originality. When calculating inertial loads, the weight and length of the boom are taken into account; weight and height of lifting of cargo; the radius of the arrow crane; rotation speed of the rotary part of the crane; speed of movement of cargo and arrows; start time and braking of cargo lifting mechanisms, change of departure and turn of the boom. The advantage of this technique is its originality. Practical value. The use of this technique allows more accurately taking into account multiple factors to determine the values of the inertial loads of the automobile crane during the unstable movement of the cargo lifting mechanisms, changes in the discharge of the boom and its rotation in order to conduct strong-standing calculations of the boom elements, the selection of its components.
  • Документ
    Traffic conditions and their impact on the functional state of the bus driver
    (Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Postranskyy, T.; Afonin, M.; Kosynkin, D.; Постранський, Т. М.; Афонін, М. О.; Косинкін, Д. І.
    Problem. The study of the human factor in transport systems is increasingly important, given the rapid level of motorization and the development of the transport industry in general. Accordingly, there is a task of ensuring the appropriate traffic safety level. Today, in this area, the road conditions and the road`s design parameters are usually taken into account, but often miss the role of the "human factor". At the same time, with the development of methodologies and technical items, these issues are partly researched and solved. Thus, during considering issues related to traffic safety, it is necessary to pay attention to the drivers` functional state (FS) and psychophysiological qualities, their reliability, factors of negative impact on their body, etc. Goal. The research aims to establish how the bus driver`s FS changes under the influence of various traffic conditions` factors. Methodology. The approaches adopted in the paper, which are necessary to solve the goal, are based on theoretical and practical principles for determining the indicators of a human`s FS during professional activity, their regulatory values, allowable ranges of change, etc. Results. The obtained mathematical and graphical dependences take into account the change of transport process operator`s FS under the influence of such factors as the bus`s speed, the altitude of the highway and the duration of the driver work. The stress index (SI) is selected as the driver`s status indicator. It is established that its values range from 87 to 342 c.u. It was studied that the increase in speed leads to an increase in the driver's SI by about 35%. During the statistical data analysis, it was also found that the highest values of SI were observed on sections of roads at an altitude of 250 - 320 m and 420 - 500 m. At the same time, during the increase of the driver's work duration, the value of the SI increased by about 25% and could approach the value of 250 c.u. In accordance with the above, it can be argued that there is an influence of the driver`s driving conditions and work on his FS. Originality. The obtained regularities reflect the impact of drivers' working conditions on the value of their FS, which affects the probability of their accident-free operation and, as a result, traffic safety. Practical value. The obtained results allow the creation of recommendations for developing schedules of drivers` work and rest taking into account the traffic conditions on the route and the conditions of driver's work.
  • Документ
    Improvement evaluation methodology of vehicle load and energy efficiency
    (Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Podrigalo, M. A.; Abramov, D. V.; Tarasov, Yu. V.; Kholodov, M. P.; Kaіdalov, R. O.; Podrigalo, N. M.; Shein, V. S.; Подригало, М. А.; Абрамов, Д. В.; Тарасов, Ю. В.; Холодов, М. П.; Кайдалов, Р. О.; Подригало, Н. М.; Шеїн, В. С.
    Problem. There was a need to expand the well-known concept of vehicle operational properties - fuel efficiency arose in connection with the advent of new alternative power plants (electric motors, flywheel engines, hybrid power plants, etc.), which requires the inclusion of not only the thermal energy of the fuel, but also other types of energy (electrical and mechanical). In the paper the research of choice and justification of the vehicle energy efficiency indicators by assessing the energy costs of the engine for its movement was made. The analysis of the relationship between energy characteristics of dynamics and vehicle efficiency was made. Goal. The aim of the study is to analyze methods for assessing the vehicle energy efficiency. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to determine indicators that will allow a comparative analysis of energy efficiency indicators of various vehicles. Methodology. The approaches taken in the work to solve this goal are based on substantiating the indicators of the energy efficiency of the car by assessing the energy consumption of the engine for its movement. Results. In our opinion, in projecting and evaluating the dynamic properties of vehicles, it is rational to use the energy indicators of the vehicle, for which it is necessary to develop appropriate assessment criteria. Analysis of the results of indicators calculation and, in table 1, has shown that the indicator in comparison with has less dispersion. Originality. The obtained results of the influence of the parameters of vehicles on the level of their energy load shows that the indicator has less dispersion than. In addition, the value does not correlate with the year of manufacture of the vehicle, which allows the use of this indicator at the design stage of vehicles. It is only necessary to set the rational normative value of this indicator. Practical value. The results obtained can be recommended to specialists for use in the design, production, certification and operation of automotive vehicles, vehicle energy efficiency, combined power plant.
  • Документ
    Features of braking of multi-axle vehicles depending on the layout of their axles
    (Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Bogomolov, V. O.; Klimenko, V. I.; Leontiev, D. M.; Frolov, A. A.; Suhomlin, O. S.; Kuripka, O. V.; Богомолов, В. О.; Клименко, В. І.; Леонтьєв, Д. М.; Фролов, А. А.; Сухомлин, О. В.; Куріпка, О. В.
    Problem. For an hour, in the scientific-methodical recommendations of the ship-experts, it is installed in the scientific-technical literature of the day-to-day parameters of galvanizing of vantage, bug-capable transport equipment, so that it is inaccurate to introduce autotransport equipment for the eastern part to inaccurate zasob_v unique road transport suit. Goal. The value of the function of galvanizing large transport bridges on the basis of the coordinates of the position to the center of the heavy transport, realizable values, which are realized between the tires and the supporting surface, as well as the support for the rear axle of the transport bridges. Methodology. The approaches adopted in the work to solve this goal are based on the theoretical foundations of braking multi-axle vehicles, the scientific provisions of elastic defor-mations of pneumatic tires of automobile wheels, geometric and weight parameters of a wheeled vehicle. Results. The equations that allow to calculate the value of the braking coefficient of multi-axle vehicles based on the coordinates of the position of the center of gravity, the realized couplings between the tires and the bearing surface, as well as the load distribution between the respective front and rear axles of the vehicle. Rivnyannya is assigned, which allow the positioning of the coordinates to the center of the car of a multi-axle wheeled transport vehicle for both front and rear axles. The calculation schemes of the position of the coordinates of the center of mass for two-axle, three-axle and four-axle with different axle layout are presented in graphical form, which give a general idea of the mass distribution between the front and rear axles of the vehicle. Originality. Presented in a graphical view of the layout of the positioning of the coordinates to the center of the car for a two-axle, three-axle and one axle with a small layout of the bridges, which give a far-reaching display of the space between the front and rear axles of the transport vehicle. Practical value. The results can be recommended by the experts-auto technicians in the development of technical capabilities for the drivers of vantage transport means, uniqueness of the road-transport usability.
  • Документ
    Maximum automobile acceleration
    (Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Shuklinov, S. M.; Uzhva, A. V.; Lysenko, M. R.; Tyshchenko, A. М.; Novikova, Ye. B.; Шуклінов, С. М.; Ужва, А. В.; Лисенко, М. Р.; Тищенко, А. М.; Новікова, Є. Б.
    The disadvantage of current dependences for determining the acceleration indicators at engine maximum brake power and driving tire-to-surface friction coefficients is that they are adequate only if the engine and transmission parameters provide power input to the drive wheels rolling without slipping regardless to speed. To eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to take into account that the power input to the drive wheels depends on the engine shaft speed, and therefore on the speed of the vehicle when accelerating. Goal. The purpose of the work is to further develop the theory of the automobile by improving the dependencies that allow determining the automobile acceleration rates and assessing the nature of its acceleration process from the design factors. Methodology. The approaches taken to achieve this goal are based on laws of physics, theoretical mechanics and the theory of automobile. Results. Analytic dependences for determining maximum and limiting automobile acceleration when speeding up depending on its design factors and speed have been improved. Dependences for determining the range of drive wheel slipping on the automobile speed when accelerating and the limiting automobile acceleration under the condition of its pitch stability have been obtained. When studying the automobile acceleration process theoretically it was found that the developed dependences allow determining the nature of automobile movement and assessing the influence of its design factors on the acceleration indicators. Originality. The obtained dependences for determining the maximum and limiting acceleration, the range of driving speeds with wheel slip when automobile accelerating allowed us to clarify the idea of the nature of movement during acceleration and the influence of automobile design factors on the acceleration indicators. Practical value. The obtained dependences can be used in designing new and improving racing cars such as dragsters, and analysing the dynamics of the vehicle when accelerating with full fuel delivery and determining the nature of driving tire-to-surface friction depending on the driving speed.
  • Документ
    Research of the modernized intake system of the gasoline engine
    (Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Mahats, M. I.; Hoshko, Z. O.; Vahula, Y. I.; Uzhva, A. V.; Магац, М. І.; Гошко, З. О.; Вагула, Ю. И.; Ужва, А. В.
    Problem. In recent years, Ukraine has seen a sharp decline in ambient temperature, especially in the winter. Accordingly, this has a negative impact on the performance of car engines (difficult to start and prolonged warm-up), as the lion's share of private sector cars are parked in open areas and are subject to sudden temperature and humidity changes. Therefore, to partially solve this problem, our attention was focused on the air lines of the intake system of the gasoline engine, as this system is easily accessible and does not require significant design changes for its modernization. Goal. The purpose of the work is to ensure the ease of starting the gasoline engine and reduce the time to warm up. Methodology. Operation of the car in the conditions of the lowered temperatures, essentially promotes deterioration of its fuel economy. The basis of such a negative process of fuel consumption is incomplete combustion of the working mixture. And this is the deterioration of spraying and evaporation of fuel and increasing the duration of engine warm-up. At such low ambient temperatures, the effective operation of the car in a garage depends significantly on the method of its preparation (which should at a minimum cost of fuel and energy resources to ensure rapid and reliable engine start and accelerated warm-up). We decided to obtain thermal energy to heat the inlet air at no additional cost. This is the installation of a gasoline engine with a spark ignition of the incandescent coil in the intake air line, which will receive power from the battery. Such modernization of the system does not require major design changes and significant financial investments Unresolved issues remain to assess the effectiveness of the process of heating the air entering the combustion chamber of the engine to create a working mixture. It should be noted that the optimal heating of the engines is most appropriate to carry out (ie heating the coolant and oil in the engine lubrication system) not to the temperature of the operating thermal mode, but to the temperature that ensures its reliable start. Results. The scheme of connection of a heater of intake air in an onboard electric network of the car is presented. The results of the heat balance of the studied gasoline engine (using cold and heated air flow) during its heating are obtained. The optimum temperature of the warmed-up engine at which further economical operation of the car is possible is established. Originality. This spiral heater was first used to heat the intake air charge during the start-up and warm-up of a gasoline engine. Practical value. The developed heating equipment can be used for both gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines. It should be switched on only during engine start-up and warm-up.